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Palmas ; 39(1): 131-133, 2018. fotografía
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-982153


El resultado alcanzado en este escenario ha sido muy importante, ya que en conjunto con los grandes productores de aceite de palma a nivel mundial, Malasia e Indonesia, se ha logrado hacer cara a las reservas presentadas (en especial) por la Unión Europea frente a la denominación del aceite. Este es un escalón adicional en el proceso normativo sobre este aceite, el cual ya cuenta con la norma local y regional (Comunidad Andina) y ha sido el fruto del trabajo conjunto de la Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma de aceite (Fedepalma) y el Gobierno Nacional

The result achieved in this scenario has been very important, since in conjunction with the major palm oil producers worldwide, Malaysia and Indonesia, it has managed to face the reservations presented (especially) by the European Union against the denomination of the oil. This is an additional step in the normative process on this oil, which already has the local and regional norm (Andean Community) and has been the result of the joint work of the National Federation of Oil Palm Growers (Fedepalma) and the National government

History, 21st Century , Nutrition Programs and Policies , Industrial Oils , Agribusiness
Hig. aliment ; 30(258/259): 83-88, 30/08/2016. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-2592


O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um plano APPCC para uma empresa produtora de pasta de alho. A empresa está situada na região centro oeste do estado de São Paulo, sendo fornecedora para uma grande rede de supermercados, havendo a necessidade de se adequar às exigências do cliente quanto à segurança dos alimentos. Foram feitas observações in locu, entrevistas não-estruturadas com funcionários e observação de documentação e procedimentos de operação. A empresa possui implementada as BPF, no entanto, foram observadas fragilidades no processamento da pasta de alho, em relação à saúde do consumidor, sendo apontados alguns pontos críticos. Propôs-se melhorias necessárias para um processo produtivo seguro.

The objective of this work is to elaborate a plan HACCP for a company of garlic past producing. The company is located in the area center west of the São Paulo, being supplying for a great net of supermarkets, having the need to adapt to the customer's demands. They were made observations in locu, interviews nostructured with employees and documentation observation and operation procedures. It was verified that the company possesses implemented GMP. It was observed some present fragilities in the processing of the garlic paste, in relation to the consumer's health, being pointed some critical points. Therefore necessary improvements were proposed for a safe productive process.

Food Production , Food Industry , Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points , Food Storage/methods , Garlic , Food Quality , Good Manufacturing Practices , Industrial Safety